Learning Program

Over the course of three days, we will explore learning content that deep dives into the meaning of Discover New Horizons.

Learning Block 1: The Unknown | Wednesday Evening

Whether you’ve reached the top or feel like you’ve hit rock bottom, you’re facing a new challenge. Maybe you’ve sold your business or experienced a significant setback. Either way, you’re facing the daunting—yet thrilling—task of starting over. The future stretches out in front of you, full of endless possibilities. Where do you go from here?

Learning Block 2: The Voyage | Thursday

Your new challenge will make demands on you at a level beyond any you may have experienced before. This new adventure will require bravery, courage, new knowledge, greater leadership skills, strong relationships, a focus on health and so much more. Do you have what it will take?

Learning Block 3: The New World | Friday

As you look toward your new horizon, what can you expect from your new world? Within your new context, what can you learn from those who have braved these frontiers before you?

Learning Block 4: The Call | Friday Evening

It’s your purpose. It’s an unbridled passion. It’s an opportunity. But more importantly, it’s an awareness. The Call is your truth personified. Your experiences have led you here. Where will your adventure take you next?

Jon Acuff

Keynote Speaker at 2019 EO Portugal University

Jon Acuff氏はニューヨークタイムス紙で6冊の本がベストセラーとして取り上げられた作家であり、最新刊は『Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done』です。

彼は20年にわたりThe Home Depot、Bose、Staplesなど世界トップブランドのブランドストーリーの創作に貢献してきました。 最近は、Microsoft、Nissan、Comedy Centralなどの企業で働く何十万という人々を前に全米各地でスピーチを行っています。 CNN、Fox News、Good Day LAをはじめとする全米メディアの数々の主要チャンネルに定期的に出演しています。 また、Time、Harvard Business Review、Fast Company, Reader’s Digest、MSNBCの各紙に寄稿もしています。




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Ryan and Chelsea Avery

Breakout Speaker at 2019 EO Portugal University

Entrepreneurs. World Record Holders. Kitchen dance party advocates. Chelsea and Ryan Avery created their thriving business and fulfilling relationship, implementing strategies gathered from research, experience and couples all over the world. They have been together for over 12 years and have liked each other for most of those years.

Ryan is a thoroughbred entrepreneur, starting his first business in 8th grade selling candy to his fellow students. He became the youngest World Champion of Public Speaking in history in 2012, with Chelsea as his coach.

Chelsea holds her Masters Degree in Social Work, loves stability and very much ‘learned’ to be an entrepreneur by association. They live in Denver, Colorado with their daughter Atlas and will be welcoming another little adventurer to their family later this year!

Navigating the Entrepreneurial World in Tandem

Relationships are complex. The entrepreneurial lifestyle can be intense. Being successful and feeling fulfilled in both takes a unique blend of communication strategies, goal setting and a lot of perseverance! Much like a successful business, fulfilling and lasting relationships don’t happen by chance, it is by making conscious choices. Get clear on goal setting and designing your best life, together.

In this insightful and value-filled workshop, Chelsea and Ryan Avery share exactly what it takes to build the best marriage with your spouse while also being an entrepreneur (or married to one). They provide strategies that make the journey as obstacle-free and intentional as possible.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Universal solutions and time-tested strategies to ensure your business, family AND your relationship thrive throughout the process
  • The processes and strategies Chelsea and Ryan Avery have implemented to successfully navigate growing their business in tandem for over a decade

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Leen de Bruyne

EO Member Talk

Leen de Bruyne is a seasoned entrepreneur with ten years of entrepreneurial experience at an age of just 33. He started a business in 2009 in innovative foldable glass systems for balconies and terraces. He was CEO of a company that went from zero to more than 1,000 thousand projects with 60 employees on board in only seven years. The company won several growth awards and one of the Top-100 fast growing businesses in the Netherlands.

Leen is married with three beautiful daughters, and they live in Papendrecht, The Netherlands. Leen is an EO member for 7 years now and will be the Learning Chair on the Dutch Board starting in FY 19/20.

He is also working as a personal and business coach for start-ups and scale-ups. Right now, Leen spends much of his time writing about personal development and is also developing full day seminars for entrepreneurs on the topic of Mental Health. He truly believes a successful entrepreneur is a healthy entrepreneur.

The topic Leen will discuss during EO’s Portugal University is a very personal story. Five years ago, he went through a rough season, with heavy personal and business setbacks. He hit rock bottom, suffering physically, financially and emotionally. It took him years to recover completely. The story contains lessons about what we can do to come to the essence of who we are. It is a story about starting over, about suffering and pain, but also wisdom and discovering new horizons. You are invited to join him on his inner journey.

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Filomena Cautela

Emcee at 2019 EO Portugal University

Filomena Cautela is one of the most well-known Portuguese actresses and TV hosts. She began her career in 2001 and has not slowed down since. She’s passionate about making a difference with every project she works on.

Some of the highlights of her career thus far include, working with MTV Portugal, starring in a number of popular Portuguese television series and serving as the host for the 2018 Eurovision Song Contest. Currently, Filomena Cautela is “Cinco Para A Meia-Noite”, RTP1 talk-show TV Host.

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Carlos Dasilva

Breakout Speaker at 2019 EO Portugal University

Sharpen your business strategy with Carlos DaSilva, one of the world’s leading business model experts, and a passionate speaker. He has spent over a decade studying and disseminating the process business model innovation, from Ph.D. studies at the University of Southern California Los Angeles to executive training programs delivered around the world.

Carlos is the former Director of the Founder Institute Start-up Accelerator in Lisbon and has accelerated on a one-on-one basis over 100 entrepreneurs in last 5 years. Today, he is an Executive Education Professor at the HEG School of Global Management Switzerland, as well as lead trainer for the Swiss National Innovation Agency “INNOSUISSE” in Lausanne. Carlos also dedicates part of his time consulting with large corporations and SMEs on their process of business model redesign and corporate innovation practices.

He is the author of several management publications and books. His hand-on approach on the process of business model innovation has been presented to audiences from Geneva to Kyoto, Sydney to Los Angeles, with energizing keynotes and training sessions.

When not on the move, you will probably find Carlos kitesurfing not far from our conference venue here in Portugal, at Guincho Beach in Cascais.

The Remix: The Art of Business Model Redesign

“It’s not where you take things from, it’s where you take them to.”

Jean-Luc Godard

The ability to develop innovative business models is a core requirement for entrepreneurs to remain competitive in today’s global economy. However, very few understand the process of creation associated with business model redesign.

In this interactive session, you will discover the process of business model innovation grounded on the latest management research, and gain practical insights and ideas on how you can leverage the elements of “remix” to complement, improve or radically redesign your company`s business model for growth.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to train your mind to recognize relevant patterns of innovation
  • How to leverage the basic elements of “remix” to design new business models
  • How a small team of Portuguese entrepreneurs from Porto disrupted a multi-billion dollars industry due to their ingenious innovative business model redesign, and how you can do it too in your industry

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Rha Goddess

Keynote Speaker at 2019 EO Portugal University

Rha Goddess is the entrepreneurial soul coach behind hundreds of breakthrough changemakers, cultural visionaries and social entrepreneurs. From multiple NY Times Bestsellers to multi-million dollar social enterprises, Rha’s unique methodology has empowered a new generation of conscious entrepreneurs to stay true, get paid, and do good. From the onset of her more than 30-year career as a cultural innovator, social impact strategist and creative change agent, Rha has drawn on the power of creativity, culture and community to move hearts, minds and policy. Rha’s work has focused on issues of racial justice and equality, electoral politics, offender aid and restoration, mental health and youth and women’s empowerment and contributed to initiatives that have impacted millions of lives. In 2008, she received the National Museum of Voting Rights prestigious Freedom Flame Award and in 2009, she was awarded the Herb Alpert’s Hedgebrook Prize. Later that year, the White House invited her to participate as part of a special delegation of nationally recognized cultural change agents in a national dialogue on civic participation. Also in 2009, Rha was invited to serve as a United States Cultural Envoy to Rwanda. As a creative change agent, her work has earned critical acclaim from international media such as Time Magazine, Interview, Essence, Variety and the Chicago Tribune among others. In 2014, Rha was chosen as a Top 10 Game Changer by Muses and Visionaries Magazine. And in 2017 Rha was chosen as one of 50 Women Founders to Watch by Essence Magazine. Additional awards and honors include Meet The Composer, the NPN Creative Fund, a semi-finalist for Do Something’s Brick Award and a two-time semi-finalist for Leadership for a Changing World (nominated by Eve Ensler).

As a sought-after speaker, Rha has led the conversation around a “whole self” approach to entrepreneurship as key to a more just, harmonious and sustainable economy and culture. She has presented at SOCAP, Bioneers, SVN, Women Donors Network, High Performance Academy, Equity Now, Netroots Nation, TedX BroadStreet, Emerging Women, Women and Power, S.H.E. Summit and more. As CEO of Move The Crowd, Rha is galvanizing a movement of 3 Million entrepreneurs dedicated to re-imagining “work” as a vehicle for creative expression, financial freedom and societal transformation. Rha’s upcoming book, The Calling (St. Martin’s Press) leverages her unique methodology into a step by step blueprint for finding your purpose and making your most profitable contribution. www.movethecrowd.me.

Hearing The Call: Having The Courage To Answer

Every single one of us has a calling. Whether we recognize or not, whether we believe we are capable of it or not; yes, even whether we like it or not. There is something that each of us is here to do and be in this world that only we can do and be. It lives in the center of our most authentic selves, it represents our highest contribution and it creates our greatest impact. As an entrepreneur, part of the way we each express that calling is through our entrepreneurial journey. The vehicles we choose may change and evolve over time, but the call is still the call. Some of us easily identify and run towards it with open arms while others shy away, bury it, and even move in the other direction. What does it take to find and embrace this new frontier? How does it shift and change at every stage of growth and evolution in our lives? What are the 3 most common concerns that plague our ability to answer? And what is available to us and our respective and collective businesses and worlds if we do? In this closing keynote, Rha Goddess, Founder & CEO of Move The Crowd takes us on a soul-searching expedition, through the lens of personal story and deep inquiry to discover our own unique invitation to rise into the truth of who we really are as entrepreneurs and in service to the difference we are here to make in this world.

In this session, you will:

  • Engage in an honest exploration of your own unique entrepreneurial journey and calling.
  • Identify your own personal opportunities and challenges when it comes to embracing your calling.
  • Become profoundly connected to the difference you want to make in the world.
  • Examine how your calling wants to be expressed at this stage of your life and your venture.

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Jen Groover

Breakout Speaker at 2019 EO Portugal University

Jen Groover氏は、SUCCESS MAGAZINEにより「女性一人のブランド」、「創造と革新のグル」と名付けられ、Entrepreneur Magazine紙では「成功を重ねる起業家」と呼ばれ、SAPにおいては「人間の可能性に最も影響を与えた」上位51人中8位にランクされました。 Jen Grooverという名は、イノベーション、起業家精神、進化と人間の可能性の同義語となりました。 彼女は最近、グローバル企業家評議会の初のグローバルアクセラレーターとして国連使節に指名されました。 また、ニューヨーク証券取引所でオープニングベルを鳴らした初の女性だけのグループの一員として歴史を作り、フォーブス社の「ツイッターでフォローする必要がある50人の創業者」リストとなり、Savor the Success 社が主催する2013年の「年間パーソナリティ賞」に指名されてもいます。

成功を重ねる起業家、人間の可能性についての作家兼ソートリーダー、また、Jen Grooverは元全米レベルのフィットネス競技者でもあり、そのエネルギーと多面的かつ多様性のある知恵と経験により、20年以上にわたり様々な分野のトピックに関し、引く手あまたの国際的な講演者となっています。様々なトピックには、更なる成功と幸福へむけての人間の潜在能力の適正化、感情部分の知性、権限移譲、リーダーシップ、起業家精神、心身の健康と活力管理、ブランディング、効果的な意思疎通能力、パワー溢れる育児、などがあります。 彼女はスタジアムで3万人もののオーディエンスに向かって基調講演をしたり、小さなグループで個人的なワークショップをリードすることも、オンラインシンポジウムで基調講演を行うこともあります。 彼女のクライアントは幅広く、Fortune 500の企業からトップクラスの大学、ビジネスとウェルネス団体、商工会議所、女性グループ、高校、非営利団体など様々です。

その影響力とリーダーシップは、USANA Health Sciences、Avon、Verizon、SkyMallのような素晴らしいブランドとのつながりを形成しており、それらの企業に対して、スポークスウーマンとコンサルタントとしてさまざまな役割を担っています。 また、最高経営責任者(CEO)やトップビジネスエグゼクティブ、起業家からプロフェッショナル、オリンピック選手のためのパフォーマンスコーチとしても一流です。

Jenは、ABC、CBS、CNBC、NBC、MSNBC、CNBC、Fox News、Fox Business News、The CWなど、主要なテレビネットワークのビジネスとライフスタイルに関する寄稿者兼コンテンツクリエイターとして第一線で活躍しています。 彼女と彼女の製品はQVCでも大きく紹介されています。 また、Huffington Post、Entrepreneur Magazine、Inc Magazine、Wall Street Journal、Positively Positive、Story Exchangeなど、著名なビジネス雑誌やオンラインリソースに定期的に記事を寄稿しています。 彼女の製品、ブランド、作品は、O! The Oprah Magazine、 Redbook、People、US Weekly、SUCCESS、Entrepreneurなど、何百もの媒体で特集されています。


Jen Groover氏は、20年にわたって講演者、起業家として活躍し、多様性のある教育と人生経験を通して、人々の生活を即座に変革し、引き上げます。 彼女のユニークで複合的なアプローチは、打ち明けたくない事柄(信念に限界がある、自己破壊的な習慣、恐怖など)に関する認識を高め、人生のあらゆる側面を最適化する方法を教えてくれます。また、個人の最も優れた、最大限に拡大できる潜在能力に見合った生き方をするためのツールと新たな視点を与えてくれます。 彼女の気さくで、物語を語るような語り口は、参加者にインスピレーションや笑いを与えるだけでなく、感情のいくつかが刺激され(ちょっと涙を流すような)、行動を起こそうという気にさせられます。


  • より多くの目標の達成を妨げる思い込みと習慣にどうしたらもっとよく気づけるようになるか学びます。
  • 駆使するのではなく、よりスマートに(より焦点を絞って)身体と脳を最適に動かす方法を学びます。
  • 人間関係の健全さが自分の成功と幸福にどのように直接的に関係するのか、また、全ての人間関係を豊


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Nadim Habib

Keynote Speaker at 2019 EO Portugal University

Nadim started his career in banking, in London, in 1986, before moving to Portugal where he was involved in founding, and later, the sale of companies in consulting, telecommunications and retail. In 2008, he started his career in academia, taking on the role of CEO of Executive Education at NOVA School of Business & Economics, which he held until 2015. During his tenure, the school entered the Financial Times Rankings and is currently ranked amongst the top schools in Europe. As a lecturer, his program on Innovation and Entrepreneurship was voted Best in The World for 2 consecutive years by the CEMS Network, a Global Alliance of 27 Business Schools and 90 Corporations. Nadim is currently a professor at Nova School of Business and Economics where he teaches entrepreneurship, strategy and innovation for the Masters, MBA and Executive Education programs. He is also a consultant and speaker in the field of organizational agility and high performance organizations.

Winning in a New World

While change has always been on the forefront of management thinking, the accelerating rate of change witnessed in the past two decades has put increasing pressure on leaders and organizations to re-think the way they approach strategic thinking, planning and organizational design. Unless we understand the nature of change, we cannot adjust the way we lead, manage and succeed.

Entrepreneurs have traditionally been seen as agile decision-makers, but they have also been seen as weaker in operational discipline and execution. Growing and scaling the business are significant challenges for any entrepreneur and will depend on their ability to build solid management practices into their business. Without great management, great ideas run the risk of becoming struggling businesses.

In this session, Nadim will first highlight how the world is changing and the impact it is having on business success, before deep diving into three fundamental skill-sets needed to win in this new world.

In this session, you will learn to:

  • Understand what the main drivers of change are
  • Define a role for leadership in building high performance organizations
  • Drive results by developing a high-performance culture built on disciplined execution

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Winnie Hart

EO Member Talk

Winnie Hart has been a dedicated member of EO since 2005, Women of EO Champion for more than two years and incoming EO Global Board Director. As the head of the award-winning branding agency TwinEngine, Winnie has collaborated with public and privately held corporations and built a reputation as an inspired designer and savvy interpreter of business brand and personality.

Winnie launched her agency in 1990 in New Orleans. She learned from her grandmother and mother at an early age to be a strong person first, a strong woman second. They taught her that when women are expected to underachieve, they overachieve; when expected to fail, they prevail. Following what could have been a business disaster after hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, she learned first-hand the impact EO can have, as the organization came to her rescue and, more importantly, gave her the confidence to recover. Paying that forward has become a passion for Winnie.

Today, Winnie and identical twin sister Lorrie bring their twin left-and-right-brain talents and more than 25 years of marketing and branding experience to helping businesses stand out. Their newest venture Brand in the Box is a monthly subscription DYI brand kit that allows CEOs and chief marketing officers to implement a clear and structured approach to build their company’s brand. As an author, 9.5+ rated speaker and thought leader, Winnie is author of Stand Out: Tools to Master the 8 Fundamentals of Standing Out in Business and What Do You Stand For?.

Winnie has been married to James Hart since 1990. Daughter Olivia is a pre-med student at The University of Southern California (USC).

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Marty Klein

Breakout Speaker at 2019 EO Portugal University

Dr. Marty Klein has been a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and Certified Sex Therapist for over 30 years—that’s some 40,000 sessions with men, women, and couples.

Marty is the award-winning author of seven books on sexuality and relationships, including the ground-breaking Sexual Intelligence. Psychology Today simply says “To improve your sex life, buy this book.” Marty frequently appears in the popular media, such as The New York Times, National Public Radio, and The Daily Show. Marty is an outspoken critic of many popular and clinical ideas about sexuality and emotional health, and is a dedicated advocate of sexuality training for psychologists, physicians, attorneys, clergy, and school boards. He recently gave two Congressional briefings on evidence-based sex education.

Each year Marty speaks to thousands of people across the U.S., Europe, and Asia—some 35 countries to date. Audiences consistently call his talks thought-provoking, down-to-earth, and entertaining.

Sexual Intelligence for Entrepreneurs

In business, as we all know, performance is central.

In the world of sex and relationships, however, performance takes a back seat to many other things. These include intimacy, desire, empathy, communication, and most of all, emotional presence.

Satisfying sexuality involves much more than friction. And so to make sex more enjoyable—and to increase desire—better performance is not the answer. In fact, focusing on better performance undermines sex. It fills sex with anxiety, makes sex mechanical, and it creates emotional distance. It ultimately decreases desire, because people can fail. And no one hates to fail more than an entrepreneur.

What most people really want from sex is a sense of relaxation, playfulness, self-acceptance, and connection. And to feel special and desired. And so the familiar tools of entrepreneurs—working harder, solving “problems”—don’t work.

But if enhancing sexual satisfaction isn’t about better performance—or exotic positions, new toys, or losing ten pounds—what does make sex more enjoyable? What does enhance desire?

Master sex therapist and marriage counselor Dr. Marty Klein will discuss Sexual Intelligence—what it is, how we develop it, and how it can lead to more pleasure and intimacy. He’ll discuss how to create sex at which no one can fail. He’ll talk about how people can transition from lust-driven sex to adult eroticism. And he’ll show you how to take the performance out of sex for good.

You’ll learn what Marty means when he says “Sex is more than an activity—it’s an idea.”

In this keynote, you will learn:

  • Why focusing on improving performance undermines, rather than enhances, sex;
  • Why improving desire and satisfaction involves emotional skills more than technical ones;
  • How to understand the role of Normality Anxiety in sexual decision-making;
  • What to focus on during sex instead of “function” and “dysfunction;”
  • Why self-help books and websites can make sexual difficulties worse;
  • Why we should emphasize the similarities between male and female sexuality more than the differences.

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Rodrigo Koxa

Keynote Speaker at 2019 EO Portugal University

Rodrigo Koxa is a Brazilian professional big wave surfer and extreme waterman who broke the world record for largest wave ever surfed at Nazaré, Portugal, in November 8, 2017. He began his surfing career in 1988 on the beaches of Guarujá, Brazil.

On April 30, 2018, the Koxa won the coveted Quiksilver XXL Biggest Wave prize, in the Big Wave Awards of World Surf League (WSL). His wave was recognised by judges of the Santa Monica, CA-based Big Wave Awards as the biggest wave ever surfed in history. He now holds the position in the Guinness World Records with the biggest wave ever surfed in the history of the World Surf League.

Koxa surfed the wave on November 8, 2017, in the village of Nazaré, city of Leiria, in Portugal. The feat was declared as the new world record, the wave’s height having been about 80 feet (24.38 m), supplanting the previous record of an estimated 78 feet (23.77 m) set in 2011 by Koxa’s mentor Garrett McNamara.

Nazare – The Way to a Record

Hear the miraculous, first-hand account of how Rodrigo conquered his fear, after a potentially career-ending injury, and came back to set the world record for biggest wave ever surfed on the same waves that nearly crushed him in Nazare, Portugal. He will share the mindset shifts and practical coaching techniques that enabled him to regain his passion, rebuild his confidence and go on to accomplish one of his lifelong goals. You’ll be inspired to #gobigger in your own life through his story of perseverance and courage.

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Michel Kripalani

EO Member Talk

As CEO of Oceanhouse Media, a leading publisher of mobile apps that uplift, educate and inspire, Michel has developed over 600 apps with a combined total of over 20 million downloads.

Michel is a “digital tinkerer” at heart and is known for developing apps that drive personal and professional performance. One of these passion projects ultimately caught the eye of Marshall Goldsmith, the #1 executive coach in the world, who invited Michel to become a member of the MG100 pay-it-forward project. As part of this prestigious group, he is thrilled to be learning side-by-side the best executive coaches in the world.

He is also the CEO of Extality, which develops software solutions using virtual, augmented and mixed reality technologies. Michel found initial entrepreneurial success in the 1990s with Presto Studios, a videogame development company that produced numerous hit games including “The Journeyman Project” series and “Myst 3: Exile.”

Michel is extremely active in Entrepreneurs’ Organization where he currently serves as the Chair for the US West Regional Council. He has completed EO’s Entrepreneurial Masters Program at MIT and EO’s Global Leadership Academy in Washington D.C.

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Chris Kutarna

Breakout Speaker at 2019 EO Portugal University

Chris Kutarna is co-author of Age of Discovery: Navigating the Storms of Our Second Renaissance, a best-selling, internationally acclaimed book published by Bloomsbury and St Martin’s Press in eight languages. Among other predictions, Chris publicly foresaw Brexit and the election of Donald Trump. In late 2018, Chris launched the Renaissance Expedition: a global journey to find, connect, support and challenge the pathfinders who are leading society and business into the new world. The non-profit Expedition convenes invite-only “basecamps” around the world. The first, held in North America, brought together Nobel Laureates, award winning artists and singers, billionaires, disadvantaged youth and other leaders to shake up their own paradigms and make new maps together. Chris is the lead-off presenter for two of the three flagship Executive Education programs at Oxford Saïd Business School—the Oxford Strategic Leadership Programme and the Oxford Advanced Management & Leadership Programme. (Oxford’s flagship programs are currently ranked #2 in the world by Financial Times.) Chris’ monthly essays (published at www.kutarna.net (http://www.kutarna.net) ) are read by thousands of senior executives, journalists, academics, policy makers and business leaders. He has been a two-time Governor General’s Medallist, a Commonwealth Scholar, and a Fellow of the Oxford Martin School at Oxford University. Chris consulted with BCG in New Zealand, Australia and China. Chris holds a doctorate in Politics (of China) from the University of Oxford, started a business in Beijing, and speaks Mandarin.

Exponential Leadership & The Power to Convene

To navigate the new world successfully takes 3 essential ingredients:

  1. Game-changing ideas
  2. Followership of people to make it happen
  3. Sustained high levels of energy and passion

In this breakout you will work on what it takes to be successful along each of these 3 dimensions. Chris demonstrates, with historical and present-day examples, what makes visionaries visionary and teaches you how to ask the same questions they do. He shares proven, concrete methods for convening a passionate movement behind your leadership. And he offers a practical framework and tools — honed over years as a top-tier strategy consultant — to avoid burnout and sustain the levels of energy you need to put a dent in the universe.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How visionaries actually do what they do (i.e., generate game-changing ideas)
  • How to lead by convening people around problems, not solutions
  • How to sustain your personal energy levels on the leadership journey

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Jason Latimer

Keynote Speaker at 2019 EO Portugal University

“The right question changes everything. Our next cure, our next technology, our next revolutionary change… will come from a question that has never been asked. Wonder changes the world.” – Jason Latimer

As a magician, Jason is the series champion of the BBC One’s The Magicians, the recipient of Siegfried & Roy’s Masters of the Impossible Award, and was bestowed with magic’s highest honor, “Grand Prix ‘Best Overall’ World Champion of Magic.” With his undefeated resume of championship wins, Jason is one of the judges with Penn & Teller on SyFy Channel’s magic competition Wizard Wars. In 2018, Jason joins David Copperfield and David Blaine as one of the few recipients of the prestigious and highly coveted Golden Grolla Award from the Masters of Magic.

As a scientist, Jason is the creator of “Impossible Science” the academic platform uniting magic and science to inspire wonder in education. Latimer is the Curator of Impossible Science of the iconic Fleet Science Center in San Diego, CA but his STEM program has expanded to science centers throughout Southern California. Impossible Science labs, festivals, exhibitions, live shows, and digital series with Comic Con HQ have inspired hundreds of thousands of visitors to embrace their ability to ask a question. Currently, the Fleet Science Center is in construction of a new exhibition wing to permanently offer Impossible Science for the next 10 years. While in Downey, CA, Impossible Science Festival with the Columbia Memorial Space Center has grown to become the official LA Science Festival “City of STEM.” Recently, Engineering.com and Latimer launched the Impossible Science Student Challenge, a competition of thousands of participating schools across the US and Canada to find the classroom doing the most to inspire curiosity within Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

Today, Jason co-hosts Science Channel’s new series SciJinks with Big Bang Theory’s Johnny Galecki and Mythbusters: The Search’s Tamara Robertson. At Education First’s Global Leadership Summit, in both New York and Berlin, Jason follows previous keynote speakers Al Gore and Dr. Jane Goodall with his keynote address on The Influence of Technology on Society. While in Washington DC, at the largest science festival in the country (370,000+ Attendees) and following last year’s speaker Elon Musk, Jason gave the closing keynote of the USA Science and Engineering Festival on Impossible Science and Education Through Curiosity.

Jason Latimer is not only changing education, he is on a mission to globally inspire wonder.

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Jessica Matthews

Keynote Speaker at 2019 EO Portugal University

Jessica O. Matthews is the founder and CEO of Uncharted Power, an award-winning energy and data technology company that develops infrastructure solutions for communities, facilities and Internet of Things. The company was founded by Jessica when she was only 22 years old.

Uncharted Power first began as Uncharted Play, a new kind of social enterprise grounded in play and the happiness of life, that would show the world how play could be a tangible tool for inspiring social innovation.

Jessica was invited by President Barack Obama to the White House to represent small companies for the signing of the America Invents Act in 2012, and she currently serves as an Ambassador of Entrepreneurship for Nigeria. In 2016, she raised what is presently the largest Series A ever raised by a black female founder in history and was selected to ring the NASDAQ opening ceremony bell, representing all Forbes 30 Under 30 alumna.

Jessica’s research and career centers around the intersection of disruptive technology, renewable energy, human behavior and the psychology of self-actualization. A dual citizen of Nigeria & the U.S., Jessica has a degree in Psychology and Economics from Harvard University, an MBA from Harvard Business School and is listed on over 10 patents and patents pending—including her first invention of the SOCCKET, an energy generating soccer ball, at the age of 19.

Her list of accolades include Fortune’s Most Promising Women Entrepreneurs, Forbes 30 Under 30 list, Inc 30 Under 30 and Scientist of the Year by Harvard University. She was also recently nominated by TechCrunch for Founder of the Year. Jessica has appeared on the cover of Forbes and Forbes Africa, as well as featured in Marie Claire, Wired, Inc, TechCrunch, The New York Times and Fast Company, among others.

Session Description – coming soon

The Uncharted Path

When Jessica O. Matthews was nineteen years old, she invented the SOCCKET, an energy generating soccer ball that could harness the motion of play with the ball to power a lamp. Today, at thirty-one, Jessica is at the helm of Uncharted Power, an award-winning power and data infrastructure technology company that develops hardware and software solutions that transform the ground beneath us into MW-scale electrical grids and high speed micro data centers. During this keynote, Jessica will share the innovation process she used in inventing her first product and the critical unorthodox decisions as her business developed that made what would have seemed like an unlikely pivot to infrastructure her destiny.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to create a natural space for innovation in your company.
  • Knowing when to “re-invent the wheel.”
  • How to take a solution-oriented approach to addressing the “impossible”.

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Javier Olmedo & Sara Quiriconi

Breakout Speakers at 2019 EO Portugal University

Javier Olmedo is living proof that you can be reborn, restart your life and redefine success on your own terms. As a renowned producer of television and events with more than 20 years of experience working in Music and Pay TV, Javier worked in over 51 countries as a producer of content and events. He founded his own recording studio, as well as succeeded at one of the most important production and management companies of artists in Mexico and as the Director of New Business and Coordinator in the Music Channel Division of Televisa Networks.

While this led him to professional success at just 33 years of age, the excesses in stress, food, alcohol and medications Javier took to control his weight and heart conditions were costing him his life.

In 2009, his doctor gave him less than 6 years left to live. Javier decided to leave the world of television to concentrate on healing his body and restarting his life. His journey to be “reborn” led him through Mexico, France, Brazil, China, Spain, India, Panama and the U.S.A. studying Yoga, Meditation, holistic and alternative therapies and nutrition systems to heal the body and the mind.

In 2018, Javier published his first book “Renacer en 90 Días” (R90D). R90D is a system of life that combines the nutrition of the body and the mind with exercise, meditation, visualizations and practical exercises to help people find their WHY in life. This system teaches participants, through the author’s learnings and experiences, how to develop tools to create a personal plan of success and achieve physical, mental and emotional health.

Today, Javier continues producing content of health, travel and wellness with his wife, Sara, under their production company, JUNTOSproductions, LLC.

Sara Quiriconi is a 15-year cancer survivor who is living proof that you can move through anything. A warrior, healer, creator and determined soul, Sara travels the world filming, interviewing, experiencing, sharing and creating online content, as well as speaking at events and life coaching to inspire others to live a life of choice, freedom and intention.

Graduating with honors and a BFA in Boston, Sara became immersed in the corporate world and succeeded in Art Direction and Graphic Design for the first eight years of her adult life. However, her immense passion to heal through fitness, healthy eating and exploring the world led her to leave the corporate world in 2013 with a commitment to educating others on the benefits of well-being and traveling. She fell in love with yoga for its self-healing properties and has been practicing since 2008.

Sara is featured as the Ambassador of Sanctifly Wellness Travel App and the Face of Fitness and Well-Being for both the international brand, Club Quarters Hotel, and New York City’s stylish Park Terrace Hotel on Bryant Park for in-room fitness and guide for healthy travel tips. Sara holds a High Honors BFA Degree in Advertising and Design with over 8 years in the professional corporate marketing world and now is a producer for edu-tainment content specializing in the wellness and travel sector. One of her greatest accomplishments is publishing “Living Cancer Free”, positively impacting the lives of those who read it. Her dream is to travel, speak and empower others to embody this message of healthier habits and inner warrior spirit.

Together, Javier and Sara offer conferences and workshops, as well as organize events inspiring others to be reborn and Live Free. Under their production company, JUNTOS, Javier and Sara continue to write and create new digital formats for digital platforms, TV channels and wellness brands under the health and travel categories.

How to Increase Your Personal WELLth Through Well-being

Being an entrepreneur is a long-term journey. We succeed in business strategy, networking and investing in our wealth accounts, but often we lack the planning, tools or strategies to maintain our own personal wellbeing. Like a car that needs proper maintenance run at its best, we entrepreneurs need that same level of proper care, to be focused, on top of our game and to thrive.

This session teaches you tools to handle the stresses of entrepreneurship and develops mental strength to continue on your personal journey. It lays out applicable exercises you will learn and physically DO in the workshop and how you can apply the tools in day-to-day situations. Discover how these strategies can increase your personal WELLth, and your company’s WEALTH as well.

You invest in your business. It’s time to invest in YOU.

In this session, you will learn:

  • Develop tools on how to handle emotional and mental stress as an entrepreneur using meditations and light movement exercises. Office attire is fine.
  • Create strategies to maintain well-being on your journey when traveling for business or on the road
  • Analyze how to use these learned strategies to increase your business’s ROI and employee retention, as well as increase productivity and presenteeism (being physically present on the job but being mentally distracted).

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Jay Samit

Keynote Speaker at 2019 EO Portugal University

International bestselling author Jay Samit is a dynamic entrepreneur and intrepreneur who is widely recognized as one of the world’s leading experts on disruption and innovation. Described by Wired magazine as “having the coolest job in the industry,” he raises hundreds of millions of dollars for startups, sells companies to Fortune 500 firms, transforms entire industries, revamps government institutions and for three decades continues to be at the forefront of global trends.

Everyone from the Pope to the President calls on Samit to orchestrate positive change in this era of endless innovation. A former NASDAQ company CEO and Independent Vice Chairman of Deloitte, Samit helped grow pre-IPO companies such as Linkedin, held senior management roles at EMI, Sony and Universal Studios, pioneered breakthrough advancements in mobile video, internet advertising, ecommerce, social networks, ebooks, and digital music that are used by billions of consumers every day.

Combining innovation with commercial success, Samit is the consummate dealmaker; his list of partners and associates reads like a who’s who list of innovators, including: Bill Gates, Steven Spielberg, Steve Jobs, Reid Hoffman, David Geffen, Richard Branson, Paul Allen, and Pierre Omidyar. A proven trend spotter, Samit accurately predicts the future because he is constantly working with those who create it.

An adjunct professor at USC, Samit teaches innovation at America’s largest engineering school and is author of the best-selling book Disrupt You! Master Personal Transformation, Seize Opportunity, and Thrive in the Era of Endless Innovation (published in eight languages). His column on exponential technologies (Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, autonomous vehicles, etc.) is published by Fortune and he hosts the documentary series Wall Street Journal Startup of the Year. Samit frequently appears on ABC, Bloomberg, CBS, CNN, Fox, MSNBC, NBC and tweets daily motivation to the over 100,000 business professionals who follow him on twitter @jaysamit. An expert on transformational corporate change, Samit has been quoted in The New York Times, Harvard Business Review, The Economist, Businessweek, Forbes, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Variety, Fast Company and TechCrunch.

Samit is a change agent who combines his bold vision and humor to motivate listeners to become disruptors within their organizations. He gets people passionate about innovation, overcoming obstacles and teaches them how to think bigger and embrace change. Samit motivates and delights audiences from Moscow to Mumbai, London to Las Vegas, Phoenix to Philadelphia, Berlin to Beverly Hills, Toronto to Tokyo, Seoul to San Francisco, with compelling keynotes that leave the crowd wanting more. He provides disruptive solutions for such corporate clients as Adobe, American Express, AT&T, Best Buy, Clinique, Coca Cola, Disney, Ford, GE, IBM, Intel, Linkedin, McDonalds, Microsoft, Proctor & Gamble, Starbucks, Unilever, Visa, Zynga and dozens more.

It’s Time to Disrupt You!

His keynote, It’s Time to Disrupt You!, is a high energy presentation on how to create and embrace change in any field. Designed to be as entertaining and inspiring as it is informative, Samit customizes each presentation to highlight the sales, marketing and leadership goals of the audience before him. Samit delivers a speech that stays with the audience long after the conference has ended.

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John Sanei

Keynote Speaker at 2019 EO Portugal University

John Sanei (Sah-nay) is an author, speaker and trend specialist fascinated with what it takes to activate the foresight needed to create an abundant future.

His goal in life is to bring courage, clarity, elegance and consciousness to audiences around the world, a mission that sees him traveling relentlessly from his two bases in Cape Town and New York to work with global brands and governments.

He explores human psychology, business strategies and future studies in his best-selling books, workshops and presentations.

John was Africa’s first Singularity University faculty member. He was the only African invited to contribute to Future Shock at 50, a collection of essays by the world’s top 100 futurists. In 2018, he was recognized as GQ magazine’s Most Influential and Connected Man, and he is a lecturer at Duke Corporate University.

Foresight: Connecting Invisible Dots

How we perceive the future is paramount in how we prepare for it, but the only way to thrive tomorrow and the day after is by activating our wisdom and curiosity. In this keynote, John helps the audience connect the invisible dots between the reality we perceive and the future we create, preparing them to ask better questions and unlock new forces of motivation.In this session, you will learn:

  • Understand the distance between certainty and choice
  • Activate wisdom and curiosity to enter the flow state
  • Practice FOREsight and recognize unseen patterns

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Rolf Schrömgens

Keynote Speaker at 2019 EO Portugal University

Rolf氏は成功し続けている起業家です。 まだ大学生だった1999年、彼はヨーロッパで最も資金獲得に成功した新興企業の1社を共同設立しました。 しかし2005年に設立した2番目の会社trivagoが、彼にとり最大の成功となりました。 彼は10億ユーロ以上の収益を上げたホテル検索エンジンをドイツ最大のテクノロジー企業の1社のために開発し、2016年にはtrivagoをNASDAQに株式上場させました。



そしてEOが彼の起業家としての過程にどのように貢献したのかを語ります。 自分の会社をどのようにして継続的に学習するシステムとして作り上げたのか、どうしたら企業文化がその基礎を作り上げてゆくかに関するヒントを提供します。


  • 企業文化は、素早い変化対応と学習の基礎である
  • 知的労働ではリーダーシップに関する古典的な考え方を再定義する必要がある
  • ミレニアル世代がいかにビジネスの成功に不可欠である可能性があるか。

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Joana Silva

Breakout Speaker at 2019 EO Portugal University

Joana is a professor at Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics specializing in digital marketing, digital transformation and strategy. She is the Director of the Digital Business Initiative at Católica-Lisbon. Formerly, Joana worked in the pharmaceutical industry in the areas of business development and strategic marketing. For the past 8 years, Joana has dedicated her career as a lecturer and consultant in diverse sectors such as healthcare, retail, telco, energy, mobility, and hospitality (among others). Her work focuses mainly on the impact new technology is having on businesses, consumers and society at large. She is a PhDc in Management with a Specialization in Strategy and has completed several postgraduate education programs, namely at the Kellogg School of Management. She holds an MBA from Católica-Nova and a degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Tech Humanity: The Superpowers of Man and Machine

“Everybody wants growth but nobody wants change.”

Paul Roemer – Nobel Prize for Economics

Today, we live in a world where the rate of change surpasses the ability to adapt. Currently, most conversations regarding technology focus on the brave new world of AI and machines replacing humans. We need to move pass the hype, and start focusing on the next stage of technology. How does it serve us? Often, we overly focus on the next big thing in tech and ignore its role in delivering value to society.

As such, the next big thing in tech should be humanity!

Technology is impacting and changing what it truly means to be human. Our behaviors, preferences and mindsets are vastly different, and the pace of change is dizzying. Companies need to truly understand what is at the heart of this change and how we can tap into this evolution in order to compete and prosper.

In this session, you will learn:

  • The technology drivers that are changing what it means to be human
  • How to put humanity at the center of tech-design
  • The superpowers of tech humanity for a better future

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Mori Taheripour

Breakout Speaker at 2019 EO Portugal University

Mori Taheripour is a globally-recognized executive and award-winning educator with over fifteen years of experience leading initiatives at the intersection of sports and social change in both the public and private sectors. She is a faculty member in the Legal Studies and Business Ethics Department at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, teaching Negotiation and Dispute Resolution at the undergraduate, graduate, and executive levels. Repeatedly recognized for her outstanding abilities as a faculty member, Ms. Taheripour is a five-time recipient of awards for excellence in teaching. Ms. Taheripour also co-founded the Wharton Sports Business Initiative (WSBI), a partnership among top business leaders, faculty and students that generated and disseminated knowledge about the sports industry through educational programs, high-level student consulting assignments, global forums and research.

In addition to teaching at the Wharton School, Ms. Taheripour teaches negotiation for the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program in select cities throughout the United States. Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses is a $500 million investment to help small businesses in the United States create jobs and economic growth by providing entrepreneurs with a practical business education, access to capital and business support services.

Ms. Taheripour leverages her expertise in negotiation, diversity & inclusion, social impact and athlete education for a diverse client base that includes major sports leagues, Fortune 100 companies, universities, and professional associations. Current and past clients include: Entrepreneurs Organization’, Goldman Sachs Foundation, Major League Baseball, NBA Players Association, National Football League, NFL Players Association, The Timberland Company, United Parcel Service, USA Track and Field, USAID, Wasserman, Wells Fargo and the White House Fellows Program.

Ms. Taheripour is a member of the Women’s Sports Foundation’s Board of Trustees, serves on the Investment Committee for USA Track and Field and is a founding Advisory Board Member of the Sports Leadership & Management Undergraduate Degree Program at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. She has also been a featured speaker at numerous global conferences, a contributor to sports discussions for Knowledge@Wharton on SiriusXM radio and was featured in ESPN’s “30 for 30” documentary, Broke.

Ms. Taheripour earned her MBA from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and her BA in Psychology and Pre-Medical Studies from Barnard College of Columbia University.

Negotiation Master Class: Essential Strategies and Skills to Achieve Success

Negotiation underlies most successful business and social encounters. While there are some naturally gifted negotiators, most people have not had any formal instruction, and all too often rely on their instinct to navigate crucial conversations. The simple truth is that anyone can learn to bargain successfully.

Effective training and consistent application of key concepts can dramatically improve outcomes and allow individuals to become methodical, confident and purposeful negotiators. Skilled negotiators understand the importance of comprehensive planning, effective communication and the impact of perception, relationships, ethics and reputation. These attributes are valuable not just to ensure success in negotiation, but they are also critical to personal and professional success.

In this session, Mori Taheripour, expert negotiation strategist and educator, shares how negotiation can be the platform to find one’s voice and how bargaining allows us to build connections as we embrace similarities regardless of our differences.

The Negotiation Master Class topics will include:

  • Preparation, goal-setting and the impact of story-telling
  • Recognizing and claiming your power
  • Assuming abundance and rejecting fear
  • Creating win-win strategies and transforming competition into cooperation

In this session, you will learn:

  • Successful preparation for any negotiation begins with self-reflection and having a clear understanding of your values and interests.
  • Empathy, respect and curiosity build credibility and trust, resulting in long-term success.
  • The essence of bargaining isn’t the transaction; it’s the conversation and the human connection that account for its success.

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Rachel Wilson

Breakout Speaker at 2019 EO Portugal University

Rachel Wilson spent the first 15 years of her career at the National Security Agency (NSA). Over the course of her NSA career, she held several key senior executive level leadership positions. Between 2008 and 2010, she ran NSA’s counterterrorism operations and led a global enterprise in detecting and disrupting terrorist plotting against the United States and its allies. Between 2010 and 2012, Rachel served as NSA’s Chief of Operations in the UK working out of the US Embassy in London. In this role, she worked with UK intelligence services to counter terrorist and cyber threats to the 2012 Olympics. Returning to the US in 2012, Rachel spent nearly five years leading NSA’s cyber exploitation operations within NSA’s Tailored Access Operations. In this capacity, she led the planning and execution of thousands of cyber exploitation operations against a wide array of foreign intelligence, military, and cyber targets and served as the committing official for many of NSA’s highest risk and most important intelligence-gathering activities.

In April of 2017, Rachel became the first Head of Cybersecurity for Morgan Stanley Wealth Management and Investment Technology. She is responsible for protecting the cybersecurity of Wealth Management and Investment Management systems and the integrity and confidentiality of Firm and client data. She advises on cybersecurity issues ranging from secure code development standards, secure network architecture, vendor relationships, Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) detection and mobile security. Rachel leads Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Field and Client education and communication on cyber risk, threats and mitigations. She and her team drive innovation for new cybersecurity and authentication technology.

In her private capacity, Rachel advises individuals, corporations and institutions on cybersecurity best practices and strategies, and she is a leading thinker on protecting children and teenagers from cyber threats. She is a sought after speaker for technology and financial sector forums and has recently presented at the National Association of Plan Advisors (NAPA) 401k Annual Summit, the Portfolio Management Institute (PMI) Annual Conference, the Association of Professional Investment Consultants (APIC) Annual Conference, the National Association of Stock Plan Professionals Annual Conference and the Barron’s Top Women Advisors Summit. She holds a BA from Wellesley College and an MA from the University of Chicago. Rachel and her husband live in New York City with their two children.

From the Dark Web to Wall Street

Join cybersecurity expert Rachel Wilson to learn about the current cyber threat landscape and how hackers and fraudsters are targeting you, your family and your business. Based on 15 years experience at the NSA and her current role defending one of the world’s largest banks, Rachel will open your eyes to the risks you face. She will give you practical tips and best practices for how to raise your cybersecurity quotient and reduce your risk of being attacked.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How cyber actors are targeting us, our families and our businesses to steal our confidential information and monetize access to our devices, systems and networks.
  • What we can all be doing to identify and defend against cyber threats, mitigate cyber risk, protect our information and prevent cyber-attacks and cyber-enabled fraud.
  • How greater cybersecurity awareness can improve the defenses of individuals, families and communities, as well as reduce global cyber risk.

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Dr. Valerie Young

Breakout Speaker at 2019 EO Portugal University

Dr. Valerie Youngはインポスター症候群に関する国際的に認知された専門家です。 ユーモアと実用的な視点からインポスターの心理を読み解く彼女は、Boeing、Facebook、BP、Intel、Chrysler、Apple、Microsoft、McDonald’s、Emerson、IBM、Merck、Ernst & Young、Proctor & Gamble、Raymond James、McDonalds-Europe、the Space Telescope Science Institute、UK College of Policing、Society of Women Engineers、Women in Manufacturing、Harvard、MIT、Stanfordに加え、米国、カナダ、日本の85もの大学を含め、様々な組織で活躍しています。

Valerieのアドバイスは、Yahoo Financial News、CNN Money、BBC radio、Time、The Wall Street Journal、USA Weekend、Time、O magazine、Entrepreneur, Inc. Science、Elle、 Redbook、Woman’s Day、Chicago Tribune、 Globe and Mail、Sydney Morningなど、世界中の消費者向けメディアおよびビジネスメディアで取り上げられています。

賞を受けた書籍、Why Capable People Suffer from Impostor Syndrome and How to Thrive in Spite of It(Crown Business)は5か国語に翻訳されており、男女問わず有益な本です。


俳優のマイク・マイヤーズはかつて、「いつか、無能な警察が来て私を逮捕するだろうとまだ思ってる」と言いました。 彼だけではありません。 世界中の何百万人もの人々が-シニアリーダーから明るい大学生、オスカーの受賞者に至るまで、他の人々が「考える」ほど自分自身は賢明でもないし、能力もないと心で思っています。 それはインポスター症候群と呼ばれ、個々人だけでなく、会社の売り上げにも悪影響を与えています。 幸いにも、治療法があります。


  • なぜインポスター症候群が「単なる低い自尊心」ではないのか
  • 「インポスター」が自分の成功を割り引いたり最小限に抑える創造的な方法
  • 賢い人が詐欺師のように感じるもっともな理由
  • あなたの個人の「能力タイプ」が、あなた(またはあなたの従業員)を基準未満にしている可能性について
  • 見つかることを避けるために「インポスター」が使用する先延ばし、仕事中毒、その他の無意識な対処法
  • 組織にとってのインポスター症候群の高いコスト
  • 女性はなぜインポスターになりがちで、かつインポスターの気持ちを隠したがる
  • インポスターのように感じる人とそうでない人の間の非常に重要な違い-そしてなぜそれが問題なのか
  • あなた自身またはあなたの従業員のインポスター症候群対処にすぐ使える実用的な3つの戦略


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