GSA Certified Speaker: Jonathon Hensley


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Speaker Contact Details

Full Name Jonathon Hensley
Chapter EO Portland
Email Address [email protected]
Phone Number 5419535273
Country of Origin United States
Number of times onstage as a paid public speaker 1-5
Number of EO events spoken at 1-5

Signature Talk Overview

Regions where content is relevant and willing to travel APAC
 US Central
 US East
 US West

Category Business
Title The Secret to Business Transformation and Achieving Extraordinary Results.
Description n this session, Jonathon will discuss the one thing you’ll find at the heart of the most successful relationships, teams, and organizations – alignment. Alignment is critical to the creation of powerful strategies and is essential to business transformation. Jonathon will offer a straightforward, honest look at why alignment is so critical and yet so many teams often struggle to achieve it. He will also provide further insight into the three essential things that the best leaders do at their companies to build empowered teams and deliver extraordinary results.
Format  15-30 min talk (TED-type)
 1-hr keynote
 ½ day workshop