GSA Certified Speaker: Animesh Jain


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Speaker Contact Details

Full Name Animesh Jain
Chapter EO Bhopal
Email Address [email protected]
Phone Number +919826052201
Country of Origin India Number of times onstage as a paid public speaker 1-5 Number of EO events spoken at 1-5

Signature Talk Overview

Regions where content is relevant and willing to travel APAC
 North Asia
 South Asia

Category Business
Title The Family Business Continuity Mantra – Paving Way for a Lasting Legacy in Family Business for Future Generations.
Description Family Businesses sustainability over the generations witness a downward trend, but if we start working on how to ensure the the Family Business lasts for future generations we can not only ensure continuity of family business but also ensure that the Legacy of the Business does not end with the current Generation. I give you the foundational steps on how prepare your family business for many more generations to come.
Format  1 hr Keynote
 ½ day workshop
 One on one sessions