GSA Certified Graduate: Cesar Quintero


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Speaker Contact Details

Full Name Cesar Quintero
Chapter EO South Florida
Email Address [email protected]
Phone Number 1.786.222.6296
Country of Origin United States
Number of times onstage as a paid public speaker 100+
Number of EO events spoken at 26+

Signature Talk Overview

Category Business
Title Unlock Your Entrepreneurial Flywheel to Live Life by Design
Description I believe Entrepreneurship changes the world, but that only happens if the leaders have the time and energy to do what they love and what they are great at, and most times we are stuck doing things that get us away from that. This talk / workshop helps entrepreneurs understand where they are in the Entrepreneurial Flywheel, so that they can take actionable steps to get to the next stage and unlock the flywheel to freedom and live the life they want to live. I have also published a best selling book around this concept called: The Profit Recipe: Unlock your entrepreneurial flywheel to live life by design.
Format 1-hr keynote / ½ day workshop
Rates (in US$, excluding travel) Domestic: $ 3,000 
International: $ 3,000 
Virtual:  $ 1,500 
Regions where content is relevant and willing to travel APAC / Canada / Europe / LAC / MEPA / N Asia / S Asia / US Central / US East / US West


2022-02-09, EO Austin, 9.92, Live, Robert Boland
2022-02-10, EO Charlotte, 9.83, Live, Brian Delaney
10-2021, EO Atlantic Canada, 9.69, Virtual, Courtney Sherlock