GSA Certified Speaker: Ian Evenstar


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Speaker Contact Details

Full Name Ian Evenstar
Chapter EO San Diego
Email Address [email protected]
Phone Number 2133210882
Country of Origin United States
Number of times onstage as a paid public speaker 6-10
Number of EO events spoken at 1-5

Signature Talk Overview

Regions where content is relevant and willing to travel APAC
 North Asia
 South Asia
 US Central
 US East
 US West

Category Business
Title Golden Triangle: A Secret System to Improve Profitability & Market Share.
Description Businesses everywhere seek ways to get unstuck. The Golden Triangle is here to help. It’s a revolutionary system designed to guide businesses to get unstuck and improve their profitability, revenue growth, and market share.
The Golden Triangle is the simplest and most effective business framework available. It is a powerful tool that can be easily integrated with any other business systems or methods you already use. Whether your company is struggling with low profits, flat revenue growth, or limited market share, leveraging the Golden Triangle will give you an edge over your competition.
The Golden Triangle revolutionizes how businesses operate. By following its three core principles, businesses will benefit from increased efficiency resulting in greater profits. The Golden Triangle can also be used as a strategic planning tool to help businesses identify potential opportunities for improvement before they become problems.
The benefits of using The Golden Triangle are clear – increased profits, more customers/employees attracted to your business due to improved operations, and better strategic planning capabilities leading to improved decision-making, all resulting in greater success overall.
So don’t wait any longer – unlock the secrets of the Golden Triangle today!.
Format  15-30 min talk (TED-type)
 1-hr keynote
 ½ day workshop
 1 day workshop