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Speaker Contact Details

Full Name Hugo Diaz
Chapter EO Austin
Email Address [email protected]
Phone Number 5125797800
Country of Origin United States
Number of times onstage as a paid public speaker 1-5
Number of EO events spoken at 1-5

Signature Talk Overview

Regions where content is relevant and willing to travel APAC
 US Central
 US East
 US West
 North Asia
 South Asia

Category Business
Title Teams that Learn Together Stay Together
Description In today’s competitive job market, companies must do more than just offer competitive salaries and benefits to retain top talent, especially knowledge workers who value growth opportunities and community. “Teams that Learn Together, Stay Together” is a presentation tailored to entrepreneurs and business leaders who want to create a culture of learning and connection within their organizations.
During the talk, we will explore the importance of providing meaningful learning experiences and fostering a sense of belonging for employees. Drawing on tools and techniques used by top business schools and game designers, we will discuss practical strategies for creating a culture of learning and community that can boost employee morale and retention.
Through this presentation, you’ll gain insights into the needs and motivations of knowledge workers, and learn how to create a workplace culture that satisfies those needs. You’ll also gain practical tools and strategies that can help you retain your most talented employees, even in the face of attractive job offers from other companies.
“Teams that Learn Together, Stay Together” is an informative and engaging presentation that offers valuable insights and actionable advice for business leaders who want to create a workplace culture that attracts and retains top talent.
Format  15-30 min talk (TED-type)
 15-30 min talk (TED-type)
 1-hr keynote
 ½ day workshop/td>


2022-04-05, EO Guatemala, 9.8, Live, Karina Koper